Looking for a Chinese restaurant for your wedding food? Look no further than Golden Dragonboat! Serving authentic and delicious cuisine, we're sure to please your guests and leave you with good memories and full stomachs. Call us today and we'll provide you with a menu catered to your preferences.
Golden Dragonboat Grand Banquet
Golden Dragonboat Grand Banquet
Our Grand Ballroom can occupy the maximum of 1,000 pax, huge LED SCREEN ( Size : 4m x 7 m) and high ceiling of 18 feet.
Golden Dragonboat
Golden Dragonboat
Ballroom 2
Ballroom 2
Our Grand Ballroom can occupy the maximum of 400 pax, huge LED SCREEN ( Size : 3m x 5 m) and high ceiling of 18 feet.
Golden Dragonboat Upper Ballroom
Golden Dragonboat Upper Ballroom
Our Upper Ballroom occupy the maximum of 500 pax, with LED SCREEN.
Golden Dragonboat
Golden Dragonboat
Private VIP 10
Private VIP 10
Our Private VIP 10 can occupy the maximum of 120 pax, with a mini stage and projector.
Four Dish Combination
Four Dish Combination